With work from home as the normal, build in some time to get motivated career building cloud native technologies for using cloud native foundations. See the learn section below.
Ready to sign up! A reminder on our Spring One Track Guide is published: https://springone.io/2020/sessions
https://springone.io/ (Sept 2-3) Also there is VMworld Event! (Sept 29-Oct 1st)

Learn and Interact: Live Events!
Jul 21 10AM EST - Kubernetes Data Protection on VMware Tanzu Mission Control
Join Tom to discuss techniques and options for delivering durable, cloud native data protection for Kubernetes clusters and applications deployed there. We will demonstrate the latest data protection feature in Tanzu Mission Control, and show you how it helps enterprises easily and safely protect their applications and data on Kubernetes.
Jul 21 4PM EST- Exploring VMware Open Source (Twitch TV)
Tiffany and Paul will explore (and try to run!) a number of Open Source projects that VMware is involved in, expect to see some Contour, Harbor, maybe some k14s, Octant, maybe even Velero and Tern. Answering the age old question what is new in the world of VMware Open Source?
JUL 22 -23 (2 Days) 12PM EST – 2PM EST Spring Tips and Reactive Spring with Josh Long
<Day1> Josh Intros Spring Framework 5. On stage is supprt for reactive programming across the Spring portfolio, starting with a new Netty-based web runtime, component model and module called Spring WebFlux, and then continuing to Spring Data Kay, Spring Security 5.0, Spring Boot 2.0 and Spring Cloud Finchley.
<Day2> In this talk, we’re going to explore the Environment which connects objects to configuration properties. We’ll also look at PropertySources, profiles, @ConfigurationProperties, the @Value annotation, the Spring Cloud Config Server and Spring Cloud Vault for Hashicorp Vault.
July 23rd 5pm – Join the Southeast team weekly speaker series, have a topic you would like to discuss with your peers?
All are welcome join us as we explore the topics shaping Tanzu! ”A weekly Zoom Session MC’d by Tom McDonald with guest speakers and a open Q&A.”
One More Shout out! TKG for vSphere, its time to get powered up! Kenny Coleman published a three-part series introducing TKG for vSphere, with YouTube videos to go along with each one.
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