With work from home as the normal, build in some time to get motivated career building cloud native technologies for using cloud native foundations. See the learn section below.
Learn and Interact: Live Events!
“Watch” June 29th & 30th Monday & Tuesday June 29th-30th Register Now! Plan to Attend CI/CD experience with Cora & Andreas!
In this session, we'll tour the landscape of new Kubernetes-centric tooling, including Tekton, Kustomize, and ArgoCD. We'll also explore how GitOps can be leveraged for CI/CD.
June 30th 1pm EST Jun 30 - Making the Kubernetes Developer Experience Better
Jeff from Forrester & Tiffany and Jacob from the Tanzu team. A real discussion about the trade-offs between DIY and prescriptiveness and everything in-between. Listen as the team highlights best practices to deploy clusters securely as part of your tool chain
Get Signed up for Kubernetes from Cradle to Production with Power-up Workshops!
July 7th 101: Getting Started with Kubernetes Workshop
For folks that are new to Kubernetes and want to quickly level up their experience and learn the basics of Kubernetes in a few short hours. This will be a hands-on-keyboards workshop where each participant will have access to a Kubernetes cluster and will follow along running each command and deploying applications into Kubernetes. By the end of the workshop, you'll have the confidence and knowledge to deploy workloads into Kubernetes.
July 8th 102: Spring on Kubernetes Workshop
Feeling familiar with Kubernetes? in this workshop we are going to show you how to get your Spring apps up and running on Kubernetes. This workshop will take you from everyone’s favorite place on the internet, start.spring.io all the way to automated deployments directly to Kubernetes. We will cover tools, as well as best practices, that will make getting your Spring app from your dev machine to your Kubernetes (production) even faster and easier. In addition we will spend some time showing you how to use Spring Cloud Kubernetes to build cloud native Spring apps that run on Kubernetes. By the end of this workshop you will have all the knowledge you need to target Kubernetes as your production environment.
July 9th 103: Container Workflow Workshop
Ready to kick your Kubernetes skills up a notch? Understand patterns for source control management, learn how to build and compile applications and containers, and then implement integration testing into builds. This course is designed for attendees who are developing apps in a Kubernetes environment, and/or who create and manage build and deploy pipelines. You will walk out with a greater understanding of the cloud native approach to developing software and deploying it on Kubernetes.
Video: Not VHS
A CI/CD, DevOps demo video that Corby recorded for a customer using TKGI, TMC and TBS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jRBGQ3Jhrgw. If your a Developer & Operator This is as close to “cf push” experience that you can get today on K8s native ecosystem “day in the life of…”, solving real world problems with key features/functions.
Learn: Can’t have an app without data: Tanzu!
https://tanzu.vmware.com/content/blog/how-vmware-tanzu-data-services-powers-development-teams-building-modern-applications the latest in technology for building modern software.