With work from home as the normal, build in some time to get motivated career building cloud native technologies for using cloud native foundations. See the learn section below.
READ THIS: Given the changes this week and the current situation with Social Unrest & Justice. We should all take a moment to focus on what matters. My family and I are talking walks to discuss this. As a result the events below maybe delayed / rescheduled.
- Check out my past posts for recorded content (on the right)
- https://kube.academy/ for learning

Learn and Interact: Live Events!
June 2nd @ 12pm EST - 2pm EST : June 2nd A “vitual” party for Kuberenets birthday. - The Tanzu Way
- Joe Beda kicks us off!
- Learn how Kubernetes works embedded in vSphere 7
- Manage tens or hundreds of Kubernetes clusters with Tanzu Mission Control across clouds.
- Learn how development teams will drive code into production in a fraction of the time using Tanzu Application Service for Kubernetes.
June 2nd @ 4pm EST - 1pm EST : Lets just all be Reactive (with our architectures)
- Spencer Gibb provides an overview of the key differences and benefits of RSocket-based networking and introduce the RSocket Routing project and the integration with Spring. We will discuss the benefits of this integration, including the impact on speed, scalability, security, and more. Spencer will also discuss use cases, and show how you can leverage this new technology in your applications.
June 3rd @ 4pm EST - 5pm EST: Observability for the opensource way using Octant
- Wayne Witzel (Project Maintainer) Octant is an easy to use open source tool that lets you visualize a Kubernetes cluster using a Graphical User Interface. It allows you to see workloads with associated objects and has tools that allow you to understand if there are potential issues with your configuration.
June 4th: Tanzu Observability (Wavefront) Happy hour!
- All Along the Watchtower: Enterprise Observability with Tanzu
“Read” the latest in technology in building modern software.
Taming the Kubernetes: Scott Kelly lays down the considerations a organization should have when adopting Kubernetes
So you want to roll your own application platform. All you need according to Kelsey Hightower:
- Linux
- Docker
- Kubernetes
- Istio
- Prometheus
- Fluentd
- Grafana
- Jaeger
- Harbor
- Open Policy Agent
- Vault
- Spinnaker
- Jenkins
- Oh, almost forgot, you're also going to need servers, people, and glue. Bring lots of glue.