A brief overview of the value of running on a common platform across cloud, premise and anywhere else you may be deploying applications.
Teams need to be able to adopt cloud IaaS, PaaS and FaaS to keep pace with business demand: VMware Cloud supports a ever changing array of infrastructure platforms.
4,300 other independent VMware cloud providers operating across 150 different countries, serving more than 150,000 end customers by hosting over 10 million virtual machines. Link

Teams deploy applications based on each clouds operating model. That only scales in each cloud provider.
Consistency is the cure for complexity - Martin Hosken (and everyone who has ever supported multiple infrastructures) Link

Not everyone is born in the cloud, most of us are shifting from the datacenter.
“many organizations are looking for a more granular step-by-step journey towards modernizing applications” Link

Apps run our business, that is why I care: one-platform, any-cloud approach for both traditional apps and new cloud-native apps
Provide a complete end-to-end solutions for customers to run, manage, and build their cloud-native applications on a single consistent platform that can operate across VMware Cloud Foundation, vSphere, public cloud (VMware, Amazon EC2, and Microsoft Azure) and edge environments. Link
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