I look forward to seeing those of you heading into Chicago for KubeCon, some great talks 11/6 - 11/9th at McCormick Place from the team at the Cloud Native Foundation. I have highlighted some resources for you to plan your attendance this year. I also tagged some good write-ups. Shout out to our hardworking Akamai Connected Cloud team!

Ready to ride the waves at KubeCon 2023 | Chicago!

The links are worth it:

Understand what is available | Review the Program Schedule:

We all need a Secret decoder | Get a view of all the projects:

Metrics Matter | Find the most active projects and contributions:

The eco-system is changing
Istio is hard

My favorite previews of what is to come during KubeCon 2023:

Ravi lays out themes that matter for KubeCon | Predictions
I like to checkout the LI posts for Kubecon as they usually lead to good discussions.

Beyond the top talk tracks, here are some other notable themes and trends:

  • The deeper integration of AI/ML into cloud native platforms is an intriguing area, enabling more intelligent automation and efficiency.
  • I agree service meshes like Istio are really coming into their own and expanding beyond just service-to-service communication to more workloads and use cases. The evolution of these technologies will be interesting to follow.
  • WebAssembly is a big one to watch as it can unlock more flexible and performant applications across platforms and languages. The upcoming Cloud Native Wasm Day event is a great place to dive deeper.
  • Akamai is embracing trends like edge computing, sustainability, and optimizing resource usage. Join us at a wide range of co-located events and sponsorship opportunities to connect with the community.

I look forward to all the transformative discussions and innovations this year's KubeCon + CloudNativeCon promises. It's sure to be an exciting glimpse into the future of cloud-native, with both cutting-edge technology and environmental responsibility at the forefront. The countdown is on for what's shaping up to be an unmissable event!